It is impossible to avoid growing older. Some people look and feel better than others as they age. Using a few simple ideas, you can slow the aging process, and feel younger well into your later years.
Do not worry about the number of your age. You might go crazy if you keep focusing on your 150/90 blood pressure and the fact that you’ve gained 20 pounds lately. Let your physician focus on these things. Spend your energy focusing on other things.
Having healthy relationships and maintaining them is a very important thing to have for healthy aging. Being active in your local community has been linked to a longer, and healthier, life. Make sure to have plenty of interactions with people whom you feel very comfortable with and can talk to about anything.
Always learn new information to keep an active mind. Old age is often intermingled with intelligence; you should enhance your intelligence as much as you are able to. Many colleges offer reduced tuition to seniors, but challenging your mind can also be as simple as doing the daily crossword.
Do not be too concerned with numbers. Doctors are paid well to focus on things like your weight and your height. If you worry about things like age, weight and your ever decreasing height as you age, you’ll drive yourself crazy. Stop and smell the roses, and you will stay mentally young throughout your life.
To keep the aging process healthy, continuously teach yourself new skills. Learning should happen all throughout your life.
Get enough sleep. In addition to the relaxing effects of a seven to nine hour sleep cycle, you will also be helping to maintain a proper balance of your hormones. You may find yourself more irritable without the proper levels of sleep, and you won’t enjoy life to the fullest.
Everyone ages. There is a point in time when someone cannot care for their self. When it comes to this time, it is generally a good idea to think about moving into a nursing home. While this can be an unpleasant thought for some, it may be the best option. Caring, experienced health care professionals can help with chores and maintenance that might otherwise be neglected if you had to continue going it alone.
You need the positive benefits friendships provide to enjoy a long and fruitful life. Age is irrelevant when it comes to forming new friendships. By putting yourself out there and meeting new people, you can create friendships that will enrich your life.
A good way to keep your skin smooth and youthful looking is to avoid powders and foundations. Since hydration is even more important to your skin as you getting older, this type of makeup gets even worse for your skin the older you get. Add easy-to-use cosmetics like mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss into your anti-growing older repertoire.
Look at life as a journey that should be enjoyed and explored. Set milestones and goals for yourself. Reaching goals should be an ever evolving process.
Red Meat
Simply put, eating more fish and less red meat will help you prevent heart disease! It is known that the saturated fat in meat increases cholesterol which in turn contributes to heart disease. Fish actually does the opposite of this, so make sure it’s in your diet. Don’t eat as much red meat. This will help you stay healthier and live longer.
Be extremely cautious when walking in order to prevent a fall. Senior citizens who suffer a fall are at high risk for injury, bone fractures, or even death. You can keep physically and mentally fit and help your balance by walking three times a week, for at least 30 minutes at a time. Take supplements, get enough calcium, vitamin D, and try weight training to combat weakening of bones.
Now that you’ve read this article, you know what you need to do to stave off the effects of old age. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel!